The Bitter-Sweet Torture of Romance

16:23 denisecastillo 0 Comments

Admit it, there is always this feeling of bitter-sweet torture when watching or reading romance flicks. I am a sucker for such things and sometimes they either drive me to tears, make me terribly sad or turn me to a hopeful person that "Love is there waiting for you. You just have to be patient.". 

It honestly is a bitter-sweet torture maybe not to all of us, but to some who are in quest for finding love and infinity.
  • BITTER in the sense that sometimes romantic flicks stay fictional and you wish it were real you get a parallel stories as the characters', yet you know it's not how people live in the real world. 
  • SWEET because you know that someday, someone will sweep you off your feet without even expecting it without needing the twist-and-turns of a movie plot. It's because we write our own love stories, and we know that it will be the best love story ever written.
We all have this ideal love story, may it be from a book or from a movie and sometimes we go through so many things in finding the "perfect" relationship goal, but there is no such thing as perfect in this damned world - but there is something that can make you eternally happy and content.

It sounds kind of mainstream and cliche that I have found the peg for my ideal partner - Augustus Waters I love how his cocky and how he sees the silver lining in everything plus of course, who doesn't want to have such a sweet guy like him? It's amazing how both were able to accept the fact that they could not be together for a longer time and still made the most out of every things they do together. 

And yes, I am torturing myself with these lovely stories. I just miss being in love, it's too soon and I told myself that I wouldn't love someone when in doubt. I miss arguments and making up. I just had to vent this out. 

Have a safe weekend guys. xx

Admit it, there is always this feeling of bitter-sweet torture when watching or reading romance flicks. I am a sucker for such things a...